Realtime Artist | Motion Designer | Creator
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Chucky Stab Cab

The Chucky Stab Cab

Animation/VFX - Extra Credit 2024

Again working with the Extra Credit team, we created a VFX social stunt video to promote the new upcoming Chucky TV show - the result was a taxi that had been stabbed with hundreds of knives, vandalized, and left out on the street.

After scouting multiple locations, we ended up choosing a desolate arts district alley for our Stab Cab’s setting. I then took a stock 3d model of a taxi and heavily modifyied it based on client requests, placed hundreds of knives all throughout the car, animated lights, tracked the plate, and composited the renders into the final shots.


Jett Gelber
Dave Horowitz
Jordan Ariel
Dillon Buss