Realtime Artist | Motion Designer | Creator
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Kilian’s Game

Virtual Production Environment - FuseFX 2022

In early 2022 FuseFX had the amazing opporuntity to work with The Sony Group on a short film called KILIAN’S GAME, to showcase a number of cutting edge Film and TV VFX technologies. FuseFX was tasked with recreating a virtual environment that was an exact replica of the Los Angeles shoot location, to be used with Virtual Production technology on the brand new Sony PCL stage in Japan. As the Lead Realtime Artist on the project, Jordan worked closely with all of parties involved to rebuild and assemble the 3D environment in Unreal Engine, dialing in the lighting, optimizing it for realtime virtual production use, and creating unique controls for the Sony PCL team on set.

Julian Sarmiento - Global Director, Virtual Production
Robin Prybil - Global Director, Strategic Partnerships
Wes Palmer - Virtual Production Producer
Michael Armstrong - Associate VFX Producer
Olivia Herring - 3D Coordinator, Production Management
Bud Myrick - VFX Supervisor
Aaron Daly - Virtual Production Technical Director
Jordan Ariel - Unreal Engine Artist
Jacob Hill - Lead CG Artist
Kilian Aulenbacher - Texture Artist
Kent Lidke - FX Supervisor
Ben Mackey - Systems Engineer