Realtime Artist | Motion Designer | Creator
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Goosebumps Promo

Goosebumps Disney+ Socail Promo

Animation/VFX - Extra Credit 2023

Working in conjunction with the lovely folks over at Extra Credit, two separate social ‘stunt’ videos were launched to promote the new Goosebumps Disney+ series premeier. One was set in New York, using helicopter footage from a flyby of the Statue of Liberty, the other was shot on location in the Hollywood hills - both featuring an enormous CGI version of the character Slappy from the series coming to life.

The footage was tracked, animations crafted by hand, and then lit and rendered to match the location for compositing into the shots.

Recieved a Shorty Gold Honor in Animation:


Jett Gelber
Dave Horowitz
Jordan Ariel
Nadia Elalighe
Nick Bozzone